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Creating Trading Plan

8:18 AM |

A trading plan is a must. I would be will to bet that virtually all successful traders have one. However, most new traders have no plan. In fact, I bet most new traders barely even have actual reasons for entering a trade. Imagine that you are planning to loan money to a new business as an investment. Could you picture yourself lending money to this person if they had no business plan and said they were going to start their business based on "their gut"? Of course a person would never be able to start a business by relying only on their gut. However, plenty of new traders start trading in exactly that manner.

Creating a trading plan is actually relatively easy. There are several core requirements that make up the plan. In my opinion, the main components of a trading plan are:
Trading objective (goals). What and when to trade. Money management. The edge (trading strategy that puts the probabilities in your favor or a long sequence of trades). Documentation and analysis of the results.

First, we have to define our trading objectives. Why are you trading? What is your end goal? Most new traders have completely unrealistic goals. For instance, a new trader might wan their $10,000 investment turn into $100,000 in their first year. While this is possible, it is highly improbable. These unrealistic expectations kill off a lot of traders before they ever had a chance. I think breaking even in the first year is an admirable goal; many traders do not do that. If a trader makes 20-30% on their initial investment in their first year, that is outstanding.

Next, we have to determine the basic outline of how to get there. What currency pairs (or other financial instruments) will you trade? This sounds simple, but it is easy to get off track by not defining this. I am in favor of utilizing as many pairs as you can comfortably manage, but I would not waste time with illiquid, choppy pairs. Other traders love choppy pairs. It's up to you. You also have to determine when you will trade and how often you will trade. Are you going to be a day trader or hold positions for a longer period of time? Your schedule and responsibilities may have some impact on that. But it is important to define these basic ideas to begin to form some consistency.

Money management is probably the most important aspect of trading. Would you rather have a fund manager who was a great analyst, but used poor money management? Or would you rather have a manager who was an average analyst, but used perfect money management? I think the answer is obvious. Even the best analyst will eventually blow out their account if they don't manage their risk properly. First, you need to determine how much risk capital you have to fund you account. Then you must determine how much you will risk on each trade. Most traders risk 1-3% of their account balance on each trade. This may sound low to the inexperienced, but after you blow our your account while risking too much, you will see why 1-3% is appropriate. It is also important to determine what your minimum risk:reward ratio will be. This could vary based on your overall trading strategy. Then calculate what your break-even winning percentage is. For instance, if your minimum risk:reward ratio is 1:2, you must win one out of three trades to break even.

Along with money management, it is vital to have an "edge". An edge puts the probabilities in your favor and allows you win more than you lose in the long run. Without an edge that makes you money over time, proper money management will only delay the inevitable as your account dwindles. There are many different methods to acquire this edge, but it is important to find one that is compatible with you. Also, back-testing may offer some help in determining an edge, but I think its value is overvalued. I think the true test of an edge is actually using it for future to trades, which will expose flaws in your execution of the strategy that back-testing won't.

The final step is to keep track of your results. I typically have a spreadsheet that has the following fields at the top of the page:
Date Symbol (e.g.- EUR/USD) Action (buy or sell) Lots (how many lots were bought/sold) Risk (in dollars) Profit potential (in dollars; you need one column for each profit target you have in your strategy) Result (profit/loss in dollars) Equity (account balance after the trade has closed) Notes (to keep track of anything I want to remember about this trade)

This format makes tracking results very simple. Please notice I track everything in dollars because that is true unit of measure, not pips. This format also makes it very easy to plot your account equity curve on a chart. There are a ton of statistics we can draw from this information that would take too long to write on this feature. However, the biggest perk of tracking your trades is that you look at the big picture. If you don't write down this information, you will weight the past 3 trades very heavily and maybe be able to remember the past 10 trade results (but I doubt it). This spreadsheet will allow you to identify problems with your overall plan and trading strategy so you can fix them.

This is a pretty basic start to having a trading plan. Experienced traders know that many more details are eventually inserted into this template to prevent mistakes and encourage good habits. However, I feel the above is the bare minimum required to developing a viable trading plan
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Trade setup

2:49 AM |

Trade setup saya GJ untuk Disember, Akan saya buy on pullback, kerana candlestick pinbar terbentuk di instaforex dan insidebar di ikofx. Berarti jika insidebar, gj akan consolidate untuk reversal atau pun continue pattern. Tapi saya lebih prefer buy on pullback untuk target ke 145.38, dan selebihnya akan saya trail hingga 148.10, sekiranya momentum buyer masih strong di kawasan 148.10 mungkin akan test ke area 151.80/152.80.. Cuba lihat gambarajah ini mungkin dpt membantu rakan2 sekelian trade untuk bulan disember. Semoga memperolehi pips hijau semua dan good luck.
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Trade setup Ej

7:52 PM |

Salam semua, trade setup untuk ej, Oleh kerana ej telah berjaya memecahkan range 131-130. Saya akan buy back ej di area 131.70/131.10 sl saya akan taruk di 130.80 dan tp area 134/135.

Dan ini pandangan Pada tf daily, eja selagi trendline bawah hold, Target jangka panjang ke 149/150. Selamat berjaya Semua.
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Trade setup untuk bulan october

8:48 AM |

trade setup untuk bulan october ini mengikut harmonic pattern AB=CD, A berada di 146.80, B berada di 163 dan c di 139.70?... D berkemungkinan di 154/156.
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Trade setup 7 sept.

6:27 AM |

Trading plan saya masih sama cuma plan itu hari ade tergelincir sikit...biasa la tu bila main swing nie nak kena sabar. Sekarang punya plan yg mana buy di area 150 akan saya mamam kat 154, untuk amik gaji...yg buy kat 149 tetap akan saya hold. Reason saya mamam kat situ sebab ade sma480 yg berwarna biru yg jadi tunggul...dan akan buy back di area sma120 yg berwarna kuning utk masuk ke area 156.Semoga peroleh pips yg byk lagi minggu nie
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Bagaimana untuk melihat market

10:49 PM |

Sekarang saya ingin menunjukkan bagaimana kita ingin trade dgn cara yg betul hanya menggunakan beberapa indicator bantuan untuk menganalisa market. cuba lihat gambar di atas ape yg tuan2 dpt simpulkan tanpa ade bantuan indicator. Market view berdasarkan pandangan masing2 dgn ape yg tuan lihat, bagaimana kita nak trade kalau tgk graf begini tanpa ade bantuan ape2 indicator.

Dan sekarang saya tambahkan indicator SMA 24( simple moving average period 24) yang berwarna merah, kenapa saya taruk sma 24 nanti saya terangkan. ape yg tuan dpt gambaran dr indicator sma 24 nie. Pun begitu juga jawapan tetap sama masih kurang jelas perjalanan market nie.

Perjalanan sekarang ade jelas sedikit market tu nak kemana dgn saya tambah SMA 120 yg berwarna kuning.Berarti input kita semakin jelas sedikit 20% market tu ingin kemana.

Dan untuk kita supaya jelas kita tambah lagi satu indicator berwarna biru dgn SMA 480. Dapat la tambahan lagi sedikit input utk kita trade tapi masih belum jelas market kemana selepas ini. Jadi asik tak jelas aje market nak kemana dia jalan, cemana kita nak trade mcm tu. Ape kata kita tambah lagi 1 indicator.

Dan telah saya tambah lagi indicator tambahan bolingerband period 480 yang berwarna hijau. Nah gambaran yg jelas sekarang nietapi masih belum terang jugak sebab kawasan tmt yg sama saya tunjuk tanpa movekan kedepan lagi. jadi sekarang saya kana tambah indicator lagi satu yg namakan RSI (relative strenght index). kenapa rsi saya taruk. Rsi adalah fast indicator dan moving average lagging indicator, ape bila kita hanya menggunakan lagging indicator kita dah lewat kita tau trend itu berjalan jadi saya gabungkan dgn fast indicator. cuba lihat gambar dibawah nie.

Dan sekarang jelas market naik turun dgn market tu dan kita belajar bila kita nak masuk post dan waktu kita nak keluar post. Dan sekarang saya jelaskan kenapa guna sma 24,120 dgn 480. Sehari market berjalan 24jam, dan seminggu 5 hari, jadi 24 di kali 5 hari=120 dan sebulan ade 4 minggu jadi 120 di kali 4 minggu=480. Dan syarat2 RSI adalah bila diatas 70 adalah level overbought dan di level 30 adalah level oversold. Nanti akan saya sambung lagi pelajaran ini.
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Trade setup 31 ogos-4 Sept

2:35 AM |

Saya akan tambah post lagi sekiranya gj turun ke 150 area, Kerana gj di tf 4 jam sedang membentuk divergence dan menghampiri oversold, Dan di tf daily juga menghampiri oversold. Kepada rakan2 yg ingin tambah post buy gj berhati2 dia area 155.1, 158.50 dan 160.30 kerana disitu seller, Kenapa saya ckp area2 disitu sgt penting adalah berdasarkan candle stick yg bermulanya gj turun atau pun lebih mudah sudah menjadi resistence. Harap kepada masta neozero yg bertanya saya kenapa area 158.50/160.20 sgt penting jawapan dia terletak pada candlestick formation.
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Trade setup 24 ogos

4:15 PM |

trading plan masih sama di area2 151-153 masih menunggu pending buy limit pair gj, dan akan makan separuh di level 158.50/90. selepas pada itu mungkin akan buy back on pullback dan ajika di 158.50/90 jika ade potensi pullback akan masuk sell layan pullback buy still dlm position. Happy trading rakan2 semua dan selamat menyambut ramadhan al mubarak.
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Trade setup 16 ogos

12:55 PM |

Alhamdulillah gj masih dalam target area saya. Dan sekarang kita perlu perhatikan level2 yg saya tanda disitu yg mungkin akan berlaku reversal. Kerana 1/8, 2/8 dan 3/8 adalah strong support murreymath tf 4 jam utk push gj ke 165/170 area.Dan kita lihat gambarajah kedua tf 1 jam yg mana saya buat dgr trend chanel. Gj ini masih dlm chanel utk terjun dan saya akan prepare buy gj dia area yg telah saya tandakan. Good luck ...
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Trade setup 3 ogos

11:19 AM |

Ini analisa saya untuk minggu nie, Dimana terdapat spinning top di tf 8 jam, saya telah pun short pair gj di 158.50,sl162.60...mana tau dia buat gila..sebab saya main swing jd sl tu besar la sikit.. tapi tak ape baru test 10 sen..hehehe...yg besar dia kat belah atas kalau dia amik post la...tapi kalau tak amik post atas...ade yg besar sell stop kat low hari jumaat. dan tp di 154/153. selepas itu saya anak buy balik di area 151/153 utk test high ground. Wish me luck guys.
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6:05 AM |


Kebelakangan ni ramai yg melibatkan diri terhadap forex samada secara serius atau pun secara part time. Malahan ada yg sudah bergelar jutawan dan ada juga dlm perjalanan utk memenuhi impian. Ada juga yg sudah 'give up' dgn forex disebabkan gulung tikar..margin tergadai.

Ada yang berjaya dan ada yg terus berkelana mencari jawapan seribu persoalan dalam forex.
Harapan saya untuk buka blog baru dapat membantu rakan2 dan dapat bersama-sama memberi pandangan bagaimana preview untuk kita trade secara aman. Jika ada rakan2 saya diluar sana yang ingin berkongsi pandangan amat di alu2kan.

Maklumla saya baru belajar buat blog jadi pasti byk kekurangan dia...heheheh...
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